About Us
In the early 1940’s residents of Lynn Valley were accustomed to traveling around Lynn Mountain or across Watauga River to attend services. In early 1943, Rev. Mack Hodge began having preaching services from the porch of the Charlie Elliott home. On June 12 1943, a meeting was held in a barn located at what was the former home of Linda and Joe Ledford, one half mile from the side of the present church building. About sixty seven people attended the meeting and elected Rev. Hodge as their pastor. On December 21, 1943, seventeen people became the charter members of the church which is now called Lynn Valley Baptist.
We believe in the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God and accept the Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000 as our article of faith.
Mission Statement
Our mission statement at Lynn Valley Baptist Church is to celebrate God’s presence, communicate God’s word, educate God’s people and demonstrate God’s love.
We love God by loving others.

Plan of Salvation
F …is for FORGIVENESS. We cannot have eternal life and heaven without God’s forgiveness. Ephesians 1:7a
A …is for AVAILABLE. Forgiveness is available. It is AVAILABLE FOR ALL. John 3:16. BUT NOT AUTOMATIC. Matthew 7:21.
I …for IMPOSSIBLE. It is impossible for God to allow sin into heaven. Romans 3:23 Question: How can a sinful person enter heaven, when God doesn’t allow sin??
T …is for TURN. TURN means repent. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
H …is for HEAVEN. HEAVEN is eternal life. John 10:10b. How can a person have God’s forgiveness, heaven and eternal life, and Jesus as a personal Savior and Lord? Romans 10:9